Medicina Naturopática Familiar P.R.



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Acupuncture is one of the most common therapies in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

The healing practice, which involves inserting fine needles into the skin, is primarily used to relieve pain, but is also used to help prevent and treat all types of health conditions. 

When we insert needles into specific points on the body called acupuncture points, we send a message to the body to 'rebalance' the flow of energy, known as qi, which should flow freely and without obstructions.

If there are blockages in this flow, diseases can arise.

By restoring a good flow of energy, the body can begin to heal itself and your health will be restored.

The most common and effectively treated conditions are:

Pain, Migraine, Injuries, Infertility, Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Muscle Tension, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, IBS, Neuropathy, Digestive Problems, etc.

Treats disorders such as:

Dolores agudos o crónicos/ Neuralgias / Espasticidad / Trastornos funcionales / Parálisis facial / Complicaciones postoperatorias (DOLOR, FALTA DE MOVILIDAD) / Lesiones del recién nacido / Trastornos del desarrollo infantil.

YAMATOMO Craniopuncture (YNSA)

It was created more than fifty years ago by Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto, doctor and anesthesiologist and great expert in acupuncture, who discovered the connection between certain points of the skull and specific regions of the body.


Such discovery was the starting point of a reflex acupuncture system that he perfected himself, with extraordinary results. 


In YNSA, needles are used to stimulate certain regions of the patient's scalp and thus reach the affected areas of the body. 


The objective is to take advantage of the neuroplastic capacity of the brain so that healthy regions of the brain assume the functions of areas that have been damaged. 


YNSA is especially effective in the treatment of pain, both acute and chronic, as well as neurological disorders, spasticity, facial paralysis, stroke sequelae, meningitis or postoperative complications (pain, lack of mobility), and even in disorders childhood development and injuries of the newborn.

Treats disorders such as:

Autism / Cancer / Diabetes / Hypertension / Alzheimer's / Parkinson's / Lupus / Bipolarity / Erectile dysfunction / Crohn's / Rheumatoid arthritis / Attention deficit and hyperactivity / Among others…